A prominent sociologist Vladimir Yadov passed away
A prominent Soviet sociologist and one of the founders of Soviet sociology Vladimir Yadov died on the 2nd of July. We express our deepest condolences to relatives and friends.
Here are the warm words and memories of colleagues.
Valery Khmelko: “I’m very saddened by Vladimir’s death… It is very hard… It feels like the part of my own life is gone… That part that started in 1970, when I first met Vladimir and when he published report theses at the international colloquium on the social psychology in Tbilisi.
Two Vladimir’s publications eventually will become historical milestones for science, for sociology and social psychology of personality: the first article about the dispositional regulation of social behavior of the individual, published in 1975 and published in 1979 dispositional conceptions of the person and the results of its verification in a unique empirical research "Self-regulation and prediction of social behavior of the person", that was performed on the initiative and under the leadership of Vladimir Yadov.”
Vladimir Paniotto: “One of the founders of Soviet sociology Vladimir Yadov passed away on the 2nd of July. He has done a lot for the development of Ukrainian sociology too; two month ago he was awarded the Medal of the Sociological Association of Ukraine for his outstanding contribution to the development of social science and education in Ukraine. Lots of people write that with his death the era ended (since there are no Zdravomyslov nor Igor Kon nor Grushin neither Levada). I met him more than forty years ago, we rarely seen each other, but he has played an important role in my life and in the life of Valery Khmelko. He remained to be a normal decent man in any kind of situation, including the time when heading the “main” Sociological Institute of the USSR and Russia for many years, which is not easy. And now, during the war and mass hysteria, his position made it clear to understand that it is not you who went mad but something is wrong with the Russian society (with Ukrainian, of course, too, but differently).
I had a very warm attitude to Vladimir and it is sad that he is gone. “
Roman Lenchovsky: “It is very sad… Yes, my friends, the era is leaving… But not all, not entirely… Related colleagues and students … Next generations of students… Books… The “aura” of communication… Ethos… The moral, civil, scientific and cultural relay… Even the craft and the attitude to the craft… Realities of societies on spaces of wreckage of the Soviet empire terrify someone more, someone less… (For some reason we can be happy, of course, these “wreckage”, for example, but that is another story…). “Challenges of time” were always there and that is why our Great Teachers are so significant for me (for us, our circle) – they produced an invariant of adequate “answer”…
Eternal memory…”