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Dynamics of changes in the attitude of the population of Ukraine toward Russia, and in the attitude of the population of Russia toward Ukraine: April, 2008 – May, 2016
Press release by Vladimir Paniotto
According to the latest KIIS study, attitudes of the Ukrainians toward Russia split almost equally: share of those who are positively minded to Russia (42%) and share of those who feel bad about it (43%) are the same, the difference is not statistically significant. Also 67% of the Ukrainians hold a positive attitude toward residents of Russia, and 8% - toward the leadership of Russia. According to a parallel studies by KIIS and Levada Center, attitudes of the Ukrainians toward Russia and of the Russians toward Ukraine became more positive. However, the Ukrainians` attitude toward Russia is better than the attitude of the Russians toward Ukraine. Press release contains the results of the joint project of Kyiv International Institute of Sociology and Russian non-governmental research organization "Levada Center". On 19-31 of May, 2016 Kyiv International Institute of Sociology conducted all-Ukrainian public opinion poll: 2014 people living in 108 settlements of all regions of Ukraine (except for AR of Crimea) were interviewed personally. Sample is stochastic and representative for the population of Ukraine aged 18 and above. In Luhansk and Donetsk regions poll was conducted only on the territories that are controlled by Ukraine. Data of this poll are compared with the data of the previous KIIS surveys that were conducted also on the territories that today are temporarily out of Ukrainian control. Statistical sample error (with probability 0.95 and design-effect of 1.5) does not exceed: 3.3% - for indicators close to 50%; 2.8% - for indicators close to 25%; 2.0% - for indicators close to 10%; 1.4% - for indicators close to 5%. Details
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