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Changes in the attitude of the population of Ukraine toward Russia and of the population of Russian toward Ukraine
The attitude of the population of Ukraine toward Russia stays unchangeable (positive attitude – 40%, negative – 47% of the Ukrainians), while the attitude of the population of Russia toward Ukraine became better compared to September 2016. The amount of those Russians who have a positive attitude to Ukraine was 26% in September, and 34% in December. However, this percentage is still smaller than the percentage of the Ukrainians who hold positive attitude to Russia. The amount of those who prefer closed borders and visas between the countries decreased in both states (in Russia – from 39% to 33%, in Ukraine – from 49% to 43%). The press release contains the results of a conjoint project of Kyiv International Institute of Sociology and Russian non-governmental research organization “Levada-Center”. In a period of December 3 - 12, 2016 Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) has conducted its own public opinion poll in Ukraine. Data were collected from 2040 respondents living in 110 settlements in all regions of Ukraine (except for AR of Crimea) through personal interviews. The sample is stochastic, 4-staged with quota selection on the last stage, the sample is representative of the population of Ukraine aged 18 and above. In Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts (regions) survey was conducted only in the territories controlled by Ukraine. In this survey, the sample covered only the controlled part of Donbas in the same proportion as it was registered for Donbas voters in the last parliamentary elections (October 2014) according to the data of CEC. The statistical sample error (with the probability of 0.95 and the design–effect of 1.5) does not exceed 3.3% for indicators close to 50%, 2.8% – for indicators close to 25%, 2.0% – for indicators close to 10%, 1.4% – for indicators close to 5%. “Levada-Center” conducted the poll in the period of December 9-12, 2016 with the representative of Russian population sample consisting of 1602 people aged 18 and above.
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