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New Year's press release: what gifts are Ukrainians waiting for in the year of the tiger

Prepared by Volodymyr Paniotto (

On December 3-11, 2021, the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) conducted its own all-Ukrainian public opinion poll "Omnibus". By the method of computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI) based on a random sample of mobile telephone numbers (with random generation of telephone numbers and subsequent statistical weighing) were interviewed 2,000 respondents living in all regions of Ukraine (except AR of Crimea). The sample is representative of the adult population (18 years and older) of Ukraine. The sample does not include territories that are temporarily not controlled by the authorities of Ukraine - the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, some districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

In Luhansk and Donetsk regions, the poll was conducted only in the territory controlled by the Ukrainian authorities.

Statistical sampling error (with a probability of 0.95 and taking into account the design effect of 1.1) does not exceed: 2.4% for indicators close to 50%, 2.1% for indicators close to 25%, 1.5% - for indicators close to 10%, 1.1% - for indicators close to 5%.


On the eve of the New Year holidays KIIS from time to time finds out what New Year's gifts are popular among Ukrainians.

If in previous "pre-covid" years Ukrainians were very mercantile (in the first place by a wide margin was money), now they miss travel so much that in the first place came a romantic trip (18% of respondents) and a car and accessories to it (12%).   The next three gifts that Ukrainians would like to receive are money (10%) mobile and other electronic devices (9%) and home appliances (7%).


What gift would you most like to receive for the New Year? December 2021



Less than 5% of respondents want to receive all other gifts.


  •  As for the desired gifts for men and women, in addition to money (which both men and women like equally), there is expected to be a significant difference between them. 14% of men and 10% of women would like to receive cars or accessories, 8.3% of women and 4.5% of men would like household appliances (men are also actively involved in cooking and cleaning). 20% of women and 17% of men would like to go on a romantic trip (yet women are more romantic despite their commitment to money). 6% of women and 3% of men would like to get eau de toilette, perfumes and cosmetics. 
  •  Naturally, there is an age difference in New Year's wishes. With age, Ukrainians become less romantic and less willing to travel: 20-25% of Ukrainians would like to go on a romantic trip before the age of 60, 11% at the age of 60-69, and only 4% after the age of 70. This significantly distinguishes Ukraine and other post-Soviet countries from Western countries. In Ukraine, the level of happiness decreases with age, and in Western countries U-shaped dependence, initially with age the level of happiness decreases, and after 50 increases, retirees enjoy life more and travel. The desire to get a car with age decreases from 19% to 3% (perhaps in part because they already have it).
  •   If we consider the change in wishes from 2014 to 2021, in addition to a significant increase in the desire to travel, there is a growing need for mobile phones and other electronic devices (from 3% in 2014 to 9% in 2021), as well as tablets and computers. This may be due to the informatization of society, the need for remote work through a pandemic, the growing number of Internet users (in 2014, the adult population of 18+ was about 55% of users, and now about 75%).  
  • When answering a question about the desired gift, respondents could also add their wish if it was not on our list. The most common thing that cannot be given is peace and health. But there were also more realistic wishes. These are any congratulations from children or grandchildren or for them to come to visit (children and grandchildren, remember your parents or grandparents!). Respondents would like to receive a book as a gift (nice to see, because I'm desperate), a balalaika, a big bar of chocolate, a two-cylinder moped, a set of paints for painting, a kiss from his wife (apparently she does not spoil her husband, he, poor thing, waits all year), "The sword of Ataman Sirko Ivan", "so that all those who muddy the water in Ukraine climbed to the devil's father for the curb", sable fur coat, and "to take a woman for six months" (I am glad that the respondent understands that sociological research is confidential and the wife does not know about these dreams).  In 2017, several respondents wrote that they want a cat (we have an item - pets, but they insisted on clarification and definitely wanted to add that they need a cat and no other pet). This year, for some reason, there were none, but the number of those who want a pet has increased from 0.8% to 1.8%.





Annex 1. Formulation of the question in the questionnaire

Í1. What gift would you most like to receive for the New Year? ONE ANSWER


Jewelry 1 Item of clothing, footwear 10
Romantic trip 2 Pet 11
Eau de toilette, perfumes, cosmetics 3 Christmas tree toy, decoration 12
Handmade gift 4 Candy, flowers 13
Money 5 Other (WRITE DOWN) _______________________ 14
Home appliances 6 NOTHING 15
Car, car accessories 7 I AM NOT GIVEN GIFTS 16
Computer, tablet 8 DIFFICULT TO SAY 17
Mobile phone, e-book, other electronic device 9 REFUSAL TO ANSWER 18


Annex 2. Tables.

Table 1. What gift would you most like to receive for the New Year? %

Sorted by decreasing interest rates in 2021

  Dec.21 Dec.17 Dec.16 Dec.15 Dec.14
Romantic trip 18,4 6,7 10,6 8,8 5,9
Car, car accessories 11,7 6,8 6,4 6,4 6,8
Money 10,1 16,5 19,1 14,5 18,3
Mobile phone, e-book, other electronic device 9,2 3,7 3,4 2,9 3,3
Home appliances 6,6 6,1 7,8 5,6 5,1
Computer, tablet 5,2 3,1 3,5 2,9 2,6
Eau de toilette, perfumes, cosmetics 4,4 4,3 2,7 3,9 3,7
Candy, flowers 2,7 4,8 4,5 3,6 3,6
Handmade gift 2,4 1,3 1,5 0,7 were not
Pet 1,8 0,8 1 0,9 0,9
Christmas tree toy, decoration 1,7 0,6 0,7 0,7 0,5
Jewelry 1,4 3,9 4,3 4,9 5,2
Item of clothing, footwear 1,2 2,5 3,8 4,7 3,6
Other 13,1 8,5 11,6 11,2 12,2
NOTHING 4,1 7 4,5 5,8 6,9
I AM NOT GIVEN GIFTS 0,5 9 5 9 5,6
DIFFICULT TO SAY, REFUSAL TO ANSWER 5,5 12,8 8,9 10,8 13,3
TOTAL 100,0 100 100 100 100


Table 2. Gender and desired gift, 2021,%

  Male Female
Jewelry ,6 2,2
Romantic trip 16,6 19,9
Eau de toilette, perfumes, cosmetics 3,0 5,6
Handmade gift 2,4 2,4
Money 9,8 10,2
Home appliances 4,5 8,3
Car, car accessories 14,1 9,6
Computer, tablet 4,8 5,6
Mobile phone, e-book, other e-device 9,6 8,9
Item of clothing, footwear 1,3 1,2
Pet 2,4 1,3
Christmas tree toy, decoration 1,2 2,0
Candy, flowers 1,1 4,0
Other (WRITE DOWN) 16,2 10,4
TOTAL 100,0 100,0



Table 3. Age and desired gift, 2021,%

  Age categories
  18-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70+
Jewelry 2,2 1,3 1,6 1,8 ,7 1,1
Romantic trip 20,5 23,0 24,6 22,6 10,6 4,3
Eau de toilette, perfumes, cosmetics 5,0 3,5 3,3 3,0 5,0 7,6
Handmade gift 3,4 2,5 3,3 2,7 1,7 1,1
Money 9,9 10,8 7,7 11,4 10,2 10,5
Home appliances 5,9 5,8 5,5 9,0 6,3 7,6
Car, car accessories 18,6 18,8 10,9 8,7 6,9 2,9
Computer, tablet 4,3 3,0 3,6 5,7 7,6 7,9
Mobile phone, e-book, other e-device 6,8 8,3 9,0 4,8 13,2 14,4
Item of clothing, footwear 1,2 1,3 1,1 ,9 ,7 2,2
Pet 4,0 1,5 1,9 1,2 1,0 1,4
Christmas tree toy, decoration ,9 3,0 1,6 2,1 ,7 1,1
Candy, flowers ,9 1,5 1,4 3,9 4,0 5,4
Other (WRITE DOWN) 9,3 11,8 15,0 14,5 15,8 12,6
NOTHING (DO NOT READ) ,6 1,3 4,4 2,7 6,9 10,8
I AM NOT GIVEN GIFTS (DO NOT READ)   ,5     1,0 1,1
DIFFICULT TO SAY (DO NOT READ) 4,7 2,3 4,9 4,2 6,9 6,9
REFUSAL TO ANSWER (DO NOT READ) 1,6 ,3 ,3 ,6 1,0 1,1
TOTAL 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0 100,0



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