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Attitude of Ukrainians to criticism of the actions of the authorities during the period of the full-scale invasion

The press release was prepared by Anton Hrushetskyi, executive director of KIIS


During May 16-22, 2024, the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) conducted its own all-Ukrainian public opinion survey "Omnibus", to which, on its own initiative, added questions about attitudes to criticism of the actions of the authorities. Bythemethodofcomputer-assistedtelephoneinterviews(CATI) based on a random sample of mobile phone numbers (with random generation of phone numbers and subsequent statistical weighting), 1,067 respondents living in all regions of Ukraine (territory under the control of the Government of Ukraine) were interviewed. The survey was conducted with adult (aged 18 and older) citizens of Ukraine who, at the time of the survey, lived on the territory of Ukraine controlled by the Government of Ukraine. The sample did not include residents of territories that are temporarily not controlled by the authorities of Ukraine (at the same time, out of 1,067 respondents 22 before February  24, 2022, lived in the territory that is currently occupied), and the survey was not conducted with citizens who went abroad after February 24, 2022.

Formally, under normal circumstances, the statistical error of such a sample (with a probability of 0.95 and taking into account the design effect of 1.1) did not exceed 3.4% for indicators close to 50%, 3.0% for indicators close to 25%, 2.1% - for indicators close to 10%, 1.5% - for indicators close to 5%.

Under conditions of war, in addition to the specified formal error, a certain systematic deviation is added. Factors that can affect the quality of results in "wartime" conditions were previously cited by KIIS.

In general, we believe that the obtained results are still highly representative and allow a fairly reliable analysis of the public moods of the population.



Is it necessary to criticize certain actions of the authorities now


In the fall of 2023, KIIS conducted a survey, according to the results of which 70% of Ukrainians expressed the opinion that it is necessary to criticize the actions of the authorities[1]. The survey showed a radical change in public opinion, since at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the majority, on the contrary, advocated that it is not necessary to shake up the situation and criticize the actions of the authorities.

In May 2024, KIIS asked a similar question, but with more detailed answer options. We were interested in the question of whether Ukrainians aspire to harsher, uncompromising criticism, or whether they are more inclined to constructive criticism of individual actions of the government. Below in graph 1 you can see the obtained results.

The majority of Ukrainians - 63% - believe that criticism of certain actions of the government should either be within constructive frameworks that would not shake the situation in the country (50%), or that criticism should not be allowed at all now (13%). At the same time, a third of Ukrainians (31%) believe that already now the criticism should be harsh and uncompromising. The remaining 5% could not make up their mind.


Graph1. Some people believe that it is not possible to criticize the actions of the authorities during the war, so as not to destabilize the situation. Others believe that it is important to keep the opportunity to criticize so that possible mistakes can be corrected and taken into account for the future. And with which of these opinions do you agree to a greater extent?



Below in graph 2, the data are shown in the section of residents of individual regions of Ukraine. The situation is quite similar in the West, in the Center and in the South, where the majority (62-66%) believe that criticism should be within a constructive framework or not at all.

At the same time, the situation in the East is practically the same - 49% are in favor of more constructive criticism, 47% insist on harsh, uncompromising criticism.


Graph 2. Attitude to criticism of the actions of the authorities in the regional section



As part of the same survey, we asked question about trust in V. Zelenskyi[2]. In general, 59% trust President V. Zelenskyi (of which 21% completely, rather - 38%), do not trust - 36% (of them completely - 22%, rather - 14%). Graph 3 below shows data on how respondents feel about criticism of certain actions of the authorities depending on their trust in V. Zelenskyi.

As can be seen, only among those who completely do not trust the President (recall, such 22% among the entire population) the majority (62%) believe that criticism should be harsh and uncompromising. And at the same time, even among them, a third (34%) believe that criticism should be at least constructive.

Even among those who rather do not to trust the President, the situation is changing to the opposite. Yes, the majority (59%) insist on a constructive framework for criticism (or generally against it). Support harsh, uncompromising criticism - about a third (39%).

Among those who trust the President, 76-77% believe that criticism should be constructive or absent (against 18-20% who say about harsh, uncompromising criticism).


Graph 3. Attitudes toward criticism of the government's actions in terms of the level of trust in V. Zelenskyi



A. Hrushetskyi, comments on the survey results:


The question of the appropriateness of criticizing certain actions of the government remains relevant even now, after more than two years of full-scale invasion. On the one hand, one can hear a fair argument that excessive criticism can destabilize the situation inside the country and worsen Ukraine's relations with Western partners. On the other hand, it is also fair to think that without critical feedback, certain wrong practices may continue and threaten Ukraine and Ukrainians.

The results of the survey show that Ukrainians mostly take a rather pragmatic and justified position. Yes, government officials should not have "immunity" from criticism against the background of a full-scale war. And at the same time, opposition politicians, critical journalists and public activists should not destroy stability and destabilize the situation by their activities.

Achieving success in the war is a common cause of the authorities, the public, and ordinary Ukrainians. Only by joint actions can we bring Victory closer. Joint actions involve the formation of a common space, if not sincere trust, then at least constructive interaction. The majority of ordinary Ukrainians support constructive cooperation (with elements of healthy criticism and without destructive aggressiveness), so we first of all call on the authorities and journalists / public activists to also be calm, balanced and constructive.








Annex 1. Formulation of questions from the questionnaire


Some people believe that it is not possible to criticize the actions of the authorities during the war, so as not to destabilize the situation. Others believe that it is important to keep the opportunity to criticize so that possible mistakes can be corrected and taken into account for the future. And with which of these opinions do you agree to a greater extent?

1 It is impossible to allow any criticism of the actions of the authorities - now it is more important not to destabilize the situation in society
2 Criticism of individual, perhaps unsuccessful, decisions of the authorities should be maintained, but be balanced and constructive, so as not to destabilize the situation in the country
3 Criticism must be harsh and uncompromising - this is the only way to put pressure on the authorities to correct possible mistakes





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