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Ukraine – a country of mobile connection
On the end of 2013, mobile communication in Ukraine has significantly supplanted the stationary connection: 88% of the population of Ukraine are mobile connection users, and only 43% are stationary connection users. On November 9 – 20, 2013 Kiev International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) conducted its own public opinion survey. Data was collected from 2011 respondents, living in all regions of Ukraine (including Kyiv) and Crimea, through the method of personal interview. Sample was random and representative for the population of Ukraine aged 18 and above. Statistical sample error (with probability of 0.95 and design-effect of 1.5) does not exceed: The number of mobile phone users in Ukraine increased in 2013, especially in rural areas, and the number of stationary phones users has reduced. Today, 88.0% of the population have mobile phones, of which 50.8% have only a personal mobile phone, and 37.2% are owners of both home and mobile phones; only stationary phones are used by 6.1%, and every seventeenth respondent (5.9%) has no mobile phone. The greatest increase of exclusively mobile phones users from February to November, 2013, was observed among rural residents (an increase by 6.5%, to 62.0%, and among the city people - only by 3.2%, to 45.6%) . Furthermore, the amount of those, who do not have any phone, among the villagers is almost three times more (10.4% vs. 3.8%). The most active mobile phone users are males (52.4%) and young people aged 18 to 29 years (66.4%). The usage of only home phones for the period from February to November, 2013, decreased from 9.8% to 6.1%. However, only fixed phones are used mostly in the age group 70 years and older (25.5%). The majority of respondents with only mobile phones lives in the East (60.0%) and the vast minority of them (41.8%) - in the center of the country. The largest amount of those, who uses both mobile and stationary phones (47.2%), is in the Central Region. The choice of a phone depends on financial status and education level of respondents. Among those, who has not enough money even for food, one fifth (19.4%) does not have phone at all, and only 46.1% have only mobile phone. With the improvement of the financial situation, the usage of all types of phone communication increases. In a group of people, who can buy everything they want, everyone has mobile phone: 2/3 have both mobile and stationary phones, and all others use only mobile phone. There are no people without any phone in the wealthiest group. The higher the education level is, the more people have at least one type of phone, and among the respondents with lower levels of education the proportion of those who do not have any phone is the largest.
For questions or comments contact the analyst of KIIS Lyudmyla Sinitsa ( Addition. Tables
Table 1. Please tell me, do you have a phone? If so, which one?
Table 2. Dynamics of using mobile and stationary phones by the adults of Ukraine during 2013.
Table 3. Usageofmobileandstationaryphoneson the end of 2013. a) By gender:
c) By the level of education:
d) By subjective evaluation of the financial position
e) By the place of living:
Graph. The dynamics of the usage of mobile and stationary phones by the adult population of Ukraine for 2004-2013 years.
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