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Thoughts of the Ukrainian population on the status of russian language and its place in education

KIIS conducted nationwide poll during the period from 23 May to 1 June 2012. 2042 respondents were interviewed face-toface; the survey covered all regions of Ukraine (including the city of Kyiv) and in Crimea; sample was random  and representative for the population of Ukraine aged 18 years and older.

The survey was conducted on the request of the Public movement "Ukrainian choice".

Statistical sampling error (with a probability of 0.95 and a design-effect 1.5) does not exceed 3.3% in index close to 50%, 2,8% - index close to 25%, 2,3% - index close to 15%, 2,0% - index close to 10%, 1,4% - index close to 5%.


  • The majority of Ukrainians (65%) support the idea of making Russian language and languages of national minorities official in the regions of Ukraine, where most of the population (50% or more) so desires. 27% of Ukrainians do not support this idea.

  • Answering the question of what should be the status of the Russian language in Ukraine and choosing from three options proposed we had gathered following results: 19% of respondents said that Russian language should be excluded from the official communication throughout Ukraine; 48% believe that the Russian language should become the second official language in those areas where the majority of the population wants to; and 26% believe that the Russian language should become the second state language throughout Ukraine.

  • More than a third part of respondents (36%) believe that Ukraine should provide the possibility to obtain school education in Russian throughout Ukraine; 45% of respondents believe that such a right should be provided in those areas where the majority of the population wants to; and 14% of respondents think that the state should not provide such possibility.

  • Every second Ukrainian (50%) believes that the Russian language and Russian literature as separate subjects should be taught in all the schools of Ukraine (Russian and Ukrainian); 42% believe that these subjects should be subjects to choose from for the students who wish could study them; and 4% think that the Russian language and Russian literature should not be divided into separate subjects.

  • Every third Ukrainian (35%) agrees that study of the Russian language in Ukrainian-language schools should have the same amount of time as studying of the Ukrainian language; 37% think that this time should be less than the one dedicated to studying Ukrainian language, but more than for any foreign language (English, German, etc.); and 22% believe that time for studying Russian should be the same or less than time for studying any other foreign language (English, German, etc.).




Questions concerning the status of the Russian language and Russian language in the educational system of Ukraine were designed as follows:

How do you feel about proposal to make Ukrainian language the only state language, and Russian language and languages of national minorities to make second official language in the regions of Ukraine, where most of the population (50% or more) wishes to?

Definitely support 32.4
Likely to support 32.9
Unlikely to support 11.2
Definitely don’t support 15.7
Difficult to say/Don’t know 7.3
Refuse 0.5

How do you think what the status of Russian language in Ukraine should be?

Russian language should be excluded from the official communication throughout Ukraine 19.4
Russian language should become the second official language in those areas where the majority of the population wants to 47.7
Russian language should become the second state language throughout Ukraine 25.7
Difficult to say 6.5
Refuse 0.6


Should the state provide Ukrainians possibility to obtain school education in Russian?

Should not provide 13.7
Should provide in the areas where the majority of the population wants to 45.3
Should provide throughout Ukraine 35.6
Difficult to say/Don’t know 5.2
Refuse 0.2


How do you think: should Russian language and Russian literature be divided into separate subjects:

They should be taught in all schools both Ukrainian-language and Russian-language 50.2
They should be subjects to choose for students who want to study them 42.4
They should not be separate subjects 4.4
Difficult to say/Don’t know 2.7
Refuse 0.3


How do you think what amount of time should be dedicated to studying Russian language in Ukrainian-language schools?

The same amount of time as studying of the Ukrainian language 34.6
The  time should be less than the one dedicated to studying Ukrainian language, but more than for any foreign language (English, German, etc.) 37.3
The time for studying Russian should be the same or less than time for studying any other foreign language (English, German, etc.). 21.5
It should not be taught at all 2.8
Difficult to say/Don’t know 3.6
Refuse 0.2

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