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Perception index of the Russian-Ukrainian war: results of a telephone survey conducted on May 19-24, 2022

During May 19-24, 2022, the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) conducted its own all-Ukrainian public opinion poll "Omnibus". By the method of computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI) based on a random sample of mobile telephone numbers (with random generation of telephone numbers and subsequent statistical weighing) were interviewed 2009 respondents living in all regions of Ukraine (except AR of Crimea). The survey was conducted with adult (aged 18 and older) citizens of Ukraine who at the time of the survey lived in Ukraine (within the limits controlled by the Ukrainian authorities until February 24, 2022). The sample did not include residents of territories that were temporarily not controlled by the Ukrainian authorities until February 24, 2022 (AR of Crimea, Sevastopol, some districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions), and the survey was not conducted with citizens who went abroad after February 24, 2022.

Formally, under normal circumstances, the statistical error of such a sample (with a probability of 0.95 and taking into account the design effect of 1.1) did not exceed 2.4% for indicators close to 50%, 2.1% for indicators close to 25%, 1.5% - for indicators close to 10%, 1.1% - for indicators close to 5%. Under the conditions of the war, in addition to this formal error, a certain systematic deviation is added, but the results obtained still remain highly representative and allow a fairly reliable analysis of public moods. Please see below for additional comments on the factors that influence the conduct of opinion polls in the military conditions.

Ставлення до Сталіна

Серед українців переважає загалом негативне ставлення до Сталіна (38% ставиться до нього з неприязню, страхом чи ненавистю), а також байдуже ставлення (34%). Позитивно сприймають постать Сталіна 18% українців (з повагою, симпатією чи захопленням).  

Також, 40% опитаних громадян не згодні з судженням, що Сталін був великим вождем. 34% опитаних і згодні, і незгодні водночас, а 16% згодні з таким судженням.

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Attitude of the population of Ukraine to Russia and the population of Russia to Ukraine, February 2021

In Ukraine in February 2021, 41% of Ukrainians treated Russia well, and about the same number treated  badly - 42%. Compared to September 2020, the situation has not changed.

In Russia, 54% of the population treated Ukraine well and 31% badly. Compared to the previous wave of polls (August 2020), attitude has improved.

88% of Ukrainians and 80% of Russians support Ukraine’s independence from Russia, and 7% of Ukrainians and 17% of Russians want Ukraine to join Russia. The number of Ukrainians who want closed borders with Russia is 39% (and Russians - 23%), and the number of Ukrainians who want independent relations, but without borders and customs, is 49% (and Russians – 57%).

Attitude of the population of Ukraine to Russia and the population of Russia to Ukraine, September 2020 РОКУ

The press release contains the results of a joint project of the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology and the Russian non-governmental research organization "Levada-Center", which has been carried out since 2008 (Autonomous non-profit organization "Levada-Center" is forcibly entered in the register of non-profit organizations of Russia, performing the functions of a foreign agent. Statement of the director of "Levada-Center", who does not agree with this decision, see here.)

Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) From 12 to 16 September 2020, KIIS conducted a CATI (computer-assisted telephone interviews) survey based on a random sample of mobile phone numbers. The sample is representative for the adult population (18 years and elder) of Ukraine. The sample does not include territories that are temporarily not controlled by the authorities of Ukraine - the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, some districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. 2000 interviews were conducted during the survey.

  The statistical error of the sample (with a probability of 0.95 and taking into account the design effect of 1.1) does not exceed: 2.2% for indicators close to 50%, 2.1% - for indicators close to 25%, 1.4% - for indicators close to 10%.

 "Levada-Center" conducted a survey on a representative sample of the population of Russia, 1601 people aged 18 and elder, in the period from 20 to 26 August 2020 by personal interview.

The statistical error in the sample of 1601 persons (with a probability of 0.95) does not exceed: 3.4% for indicators close to 50%, 2.9% - for indicators close to 25% / 75%, 2.0% - for indicators close to 10% / 90%, and 1.5% - for indicators close to 5% / 95%

Ставлення населення України до закону про мову

Всеукраїнське опитування «Думки і погляди населення України» (Омнібус) проводилося Київським міжнародним інститутом соціології у травні-червні 2020 року. У перебігу дослідження вивчалися думки і погляди дорослих жителів України (у віці 18 років і старше) з різних суспільно-політичних та соціально-економічних питань. Основні етапи дослідження включали розробку і програмування анкети (використовувалося програмне забезпечення ОСА for CATI), генерування мобільних телефонних номерів, проведення інтерв’ю з респондентами, контроль якості виконаної роботи, підготовку остаточного масиву даних, зважування масиву даних, підготовку таблиць одно- і двовимірних розподілів.

Опитування здійснювалося методом телефонних інтерв’ю з використанням комп’ютера (computer-assisted telephone interviews, CATI). За даними опитування КМІС, проведеного методом особистих (face-to-face) інтерв’ю за випадковою вибіркою у лютому 2020 року 96% дорослих жителів України мали особисті мобільні телефони.  
