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Exit-pol in Odesa: November 15, 2020. Results as of 20 hours

On November 15, 2020, the day of the second round of the mayoral election, the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) held an exit poll in Odesa. The general set of exit poll is voters who voted at polling stations in the city of Odesa (except for special polling stations - hospitals, prisons, military units, etc.). The sample is representative of the city as a whole. As of 8 pm, 2,126 respondents were polled at 40 polling stations. The method of "secret ballot" was used. The reach rate (the number of voters who agreed to take part in the poll) is 65.9%. The sampling error should not exceed 3-4%.

Exit-pol in Odesa: November 15, 2020. Results as of 17 hours

On November 15, 2020, the day of the second round of the mayoral election, the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) held an exit poll in Odesa. The general set of exit poll is voters who voted at polling stations in the city of Odesa (except for special polling stations - hospitals, prisons, military units, etc.). The sample is representative of the city as a whole. As of 5 pm, 1,780 respondents were polled at 40 polling stations. The method of "secret ballot" was used. The reach rate (the number of voters who agreed to take part in the poll) is 66.6%. The sampling error should not exceed 3-4%.

Exit-Pol in Odesa: October 25, 2020, data at 8 pm

On October 25, 2020, the day of the local elections, the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) held an exit poll in the city of Odesa. The general set of exit polls is voters who voted at polling stations in the city of Odesa (except for special polling stations - hospitals, prisons, military units, etc.). The sample is representative for the city as a whole. As of 8 pm, 3,726 respondents were polled at 60 polling stations. The method of "secret ballot" was used. The reach rate (the number of voters who agreed to take part in the poll) is 61%. The sampling error should not exceed 2.5-3%.

Exit-Pol in Odesa: October 25, 2020, data at 5 pm

On October 25, 2020, the day of the local elections, the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) held an exit poll in the city of Odesa. The general set of exit polls is voters who voted at polling stations in the city of Odesa (except for special polling stations - hospitals, prisons, military units, etc.). The sample is representative for the city as a whole. As of 5 pm, 3,041 respondents were polled at 60 polling stations. The method of "secret ballot" was used. The reach rate (the number of voters who agreed to take part in the poll) is 61%. The sampling error should not exceed 2.5-3%.

Хто за кого проголосував? Демографія Національного екзит-полу на парламентських виборах

21 липня 2019 року, у день виборів до Верховної Ради  України, Консорціум, до якого входять Київський міжнародний інститут соціології (КМІС), Фонд «Демократичні ініціативи імені Ілька Кучеріва»,  та Український центр економічних і політичних досліджень імені Олександра Разумкова, провів  Національний екзит-пол’2019 – парламентські вибори.

Управління проектом, його фінансовий і медійний менеджмент здійснює  Фонд «Демократичні ініціативи імені Ілька Кучеріва». Наукове керівництво проектом, розробку вибірки і координацію опитування виконує КМІС. Опитування виборців на виході з виборчих дільниць провели Київський міжнародний інститут соціології (КМІС) і Центр Разумкова.
