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Fears and problems of the Ukrainian population

From February 8 to February 13, 2008 the Kiev International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) conducted All–Ukrainian poll. 2038 respondents at the age of 18 years and older living in all regions of Ukraine, Crimea and Kiev according to statistical selection were surveyed by the method of interview.

The statistical error of selection (with probability 0.95 and at design–effect 1.5) doesn't exceed the following: 3.5% for indicators which are close to 50%, 3,0% – for indicators which are close to 25%, 2,0% – for indicators which are close to 10%.

• In response to the question " What do you think people are most afraid of"? (not more than 3 answers), more than half of the respondents – 54% – called the rising prices and utility tariffs. This opinion 62% of the residents of the East, 54% – of the South, 52% – of the Center, 47% – the West. 

• Nearly half of respondents – 48% – believe that most people are afraid of non–payment of wages and pensions. 52% of the population of the East, 51% – of the Center, 46% – of the South and 43% – of the West agreed with this statement.

• 40% believe that most people are afraid of losing their job: this opinion 44% of the population of the West, 41% – East, 40% – and 36% of the South – Centre.

• 26% believe that most people are afraid to lose efficiency: this opinion 33% – population of the West, 25% – of the East and 24% – of the South and the Center.

• 20% believe that most people are afraid of rising crime: this opinion 22% of the population of the East, 20% – in the West and the South, and 18% – population of the center.

• 15% of respondents believe that people are most afraid of hunger: 19% of the population of the West and the South, 11% of the Centre and 9% of the East.

• Asking which of the above list regional problems Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko should solve, about 2/3 of the respondents – 65% – called the problem of rising prices and tariffs, and almost half of surveyed – 49% said that Tymoshenko solve the problem of unemployment.

• Asking what from the list of problems in the regions, Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko really decides

38% of respondents don’t have a definite opinion

34% did not answer

13% said that Tymoshenko really solves the problem of opaque privatization of enterprises

10% the problem of rising prices and tariffs

9% – opaque privatization of land

8% – corruption

5% – unemployment

less than 5% of the respondents expressed the opinion that the Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko really solve the problem of housing affordability (4%), substandard housing and communal services (4%), poor health facilities (3%), improper work of educational institutions (3%), homeless children (3%), pollution (3%), high crime rate (3%), drug abuse (1%) and alcohol (1%).


Answers to the questions of press release

What do you think people are most afraid of? (not more than 3 answers)

The rising prices and utility tariffs 53.8
Non-payment of salaries and pensions 48.1
Loss of job 40.0
Disablement 26.0
Increase of crime 19.7
Hunger 14.6
 The spread of life-threatening infections (tuberculosis, AIDS etc.) 14.4
Ethnic conflicts 8.1
Dictatorship in the country 6.8
Military attack 5.4
Mass riots 3.4
Terrorist attacks 2.6
Other 1.6
Nothing to fear 5.4
There is no telling / No reply 2.2


Which of the regional problems Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko should solve? (any number of answers)

The rising prices and utility tariffs 65.0
Unemployment 49.1
Improper work of educational institutions 40.9
Shadow privatization of state enterprises 40.4
Corruption 39.1
Opaque privatization of land 37.6
Substandard housing and communal services 37.0
Housing affordability 35.1
Improper operation of educational institutions 28.8
High levels of crime 27.6
Environmental contamination 27.6
Homelessness  of children 26.5
Addiction 25.2
Alcoholism 24.0
There is no telling 7.9
No reply 5.4


Which of these problems in your region Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko really decides? (any number of answers)

The rising prices and utility tariffs 12.9
Unemployment 10.2
Improper work of educational institutions 8.7
Shadow privatization of state enterprises 7.8
Corruption 5.3
Opaque privatization of land 4.4
Substandard housing and communal services 3.8
Housing affordability 3.1
Improper operation of educational institutions 2.7
High levels of crime 2.6
Environmental contamination 2.6
Homelessness  of children 2.5
Addiction 1.2
Alcoholism 1.2
There is no telling 38.5
No reply 34.3

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